The stem direction option can only tell you if the note is flipped. This is when the stem points in the opposite direction to the one which Sibelius will use by default. Working out which way the stem points by default through pure logic is pretty tough. The following basic rules can be applied but only for single notes which aren't beamed. If there is more than one voice used in the current bar, the stems on voice 1 and 3 notes will point up and those of voice 2 and 4 notes will point down. If there is only one voice , the stems of notes whose note heads are above the middle line will point down and those of notes whose heads are below the middle line will point up. Notes whose heads are on the middle line will have stems pointing upwards if the instrument is a voice and downwards in all other cases. This rule is there to give lyrics more space. If the instrument employs a tab staff or a percussion staff then the stems will always point upwards, unless there is more than one voice, in which case the rules governing multiple voice will again apply. You must remember that the clef will change where notes appear on the staff. In treble clefs C4 is on the first ledger line below and in bass clefs the same pitch is on the first ledger above.