Creating Segnos Actually, you should create the segno from the symbols dialog. This is what the Sibelius Reference recommends and this is one of the few symbols that will affect playback. You can also create the coda in the symbols dialog but since the text "CODA" is usually added along side it, it is easier to get the coda "symbol" from the word menu within the text item that you're using for the text and have the symbol and text contained in one object. To create a coda: 1. select the first note of the coda. 2. Choose Create > Text > Tempo. 3. When the edit box opens press Ctrl+O to add the coda symbol. 4. Type space and then "CODA" in capitals. 5. Press Escape to close the edit window. There are a couple of things to note. You need to use the tempo text style. This doesn't make sense at first glance but you need the type setting options which have been setup in the tempo text style. Do not use the repeat text style because this has completely different type setting options. Ctrl+O is the shortcut key for the coda symbol in this text style. You can also get the character by pressing Shift+F10 and arrowing through the list of words and characters until you get to one that JAWS will announce as "O Ctrl+0". The rather incomprehensible speech here is due to the fact that the special characters are all regular ASCII characters drawn with a special music font. So, the coda symbol is really a letter O drawn with a font that makes it look like a circle with a cross in it.